We're looking at 4 levels of visualisation validation here: domain/problem → data/task abstraction → visualisation idiom → algorithm/technology.
Task abstraction (c.f. Matthew Brehmer)
Visualisation idiom (c.f. insert reference later)
Together, we have a vocabulary to evaluate effective data visualisations across different domains. All data visualisations abstract the process of crunching numbers into a series of mental or visual tasks for the user, via the use of one or more visual idioms. Domain/problem and algorithm/technology problems, however, tend to be more implementation-specific; I personally feel it's a little unfair to critique them given that we're commenting on finished products from afar.
Here's the framework as applied to two interactive visualisations I found.
This was posted on r/dataisbeautiful as an exercise in evaluating effectiveness between two visualisations of the same data. As a chart of global temperatures, two tasks are immediately apparent. I want to learn how global temperatures have changed over time, and if there are any patterns I can see given the month-level granularity in the data. Specifically, it would be helpful to view the magnitude and pace of the change, while also having a way to observe finer variations in the data.
The colour channels are effective in communicating the temperature differences. Humans are bad at reading small numbers (fractions of degrees Celsius per month is hardly imaginable) and I think the drastic colour scheme helps in making that difference clear. However, I think the nuances of the data could be better communicated without resorting to exaggeration. Specifically, it's not clear how many fractions of a degree Celsius is represented by a change in colour; the scale isn't labelled well enough.
The other issue I have with the colour channels is more subtle. There was a clear choice to exaggerate the differences between temperatures slightly warmer and slightly colder than the chosen window. The actual temperature rise in fractions of a degree is less than the perceived temperature rise in the colours. At worst, visualisations like these can be fuel for climate change denialists to 'prove' that the mainstream media is prone to catastrophising minor temperature fluctuations. A better visualisation should be able to communicate the scale of climate change and the danger it poses without using visual idioms that can be construed as misleading.
Sequentially, there is a clear taskflow presented by the donut chart by the sheer height of the data; you're forced to scroll down to see it all, allowing the temperature rise to become apparent along the passage of time. However, it runs the risk of becoming too cluttered, as the circles look too similar and the rhythm becomes monotonous.
(click on the 'unit' icon in the top-right-hand corner of the viz)
So is the unit chart better? Immediately, we're able to ascertain that this chart is more compact than the first one. The intended reading direction is now from left-to-right; our eyes are drawn from the sections of lighter blue on the middle and left, towards the sections of dark red on the far right. Months are now represented as 12 slices of each vertical bar; by reading downwards, you can immediately identify which months tend to be slightly hotter than the other (March-ish, and maybe October). We couldn't make this comparison in the donut chart, because we couldn't see all the years together like this at once, unless we scrolled up and down a lot and Rain-Manned the heck out of the donut slices. This is an important lesson for task abstraction design—patterns should be discernable with as little input by the user as possible. Our eyes scan a lot faster than our fingers.
The taskflow—a linear journey through time with opportunities to mouseover and explore specific moments—remains largely the same. It does become a bit harder to draw attention to individual months or years the way the donut chart does, simply because every year is squashed together so densely. In other words, it's harder for the presentation of the unit chart to naturally encode popouts with the same level of effectiveness as the donut chart. This is not really an issue when the main story at hand is the drastic rise in temperatures over the last four decades, but it could be detrimental for particular sub-tasks such as identifying particular years.
See, for example, how the anomalously-warm year of 1998 appears in both charts:
1998 is immediately apparent as an anomaly even amidst rising global temperatures in the donut chart.
It's harder to spot this anomaly in the unit chart.
Overall, I think the unit chart is more effective here. However, it still doesn't solve the issue of the exaggerated colour scale.
I'm a lot less charitable about this one given that it's a professional illustration for a presidential campaign. The task we have here is simple: comparing how much Obama's administration planned to spend on certain priorities over others in 2016. Clicking on one rectangle will zoom all of it in, and display some text about the Obama administration's reasoning behind certain budget outlays.
The first flaw that pops out is that the font size for the visualisation is static. The smaller budget categories are completely unreadable as a result. Having the same font for everything also doesn't complement the hierarchy they're trying to communicate, though one might excuse it because of web decay reasons as this is from an archived page.
The bigger problem, though, is the difficulty in communicating data through area. The structure of the treemap fits the role of presenting the budget hierarchically but it doesn't allow for much else if the reader wanted to know more about the data. Humans can estimate lengths and widths more precisely than areas; it's hard to tell, for example, how much more was spent on national defense than income security. In the treemap's defense, it can be argued that the format remains effective for communicating order-of-magnitude differences. However, considering that this visualisation was designed as interactive in mind, there are definitely ways to allow better granularity.
The second issue I have with this is the prominence of the numbers. It takes a while to realise where the spending for each category can be found. You have the mouseover the drab grey headers for each category—a kind of design trap, as the headers can't be more prominent without messing up the visual hierarchy from general to specific, but their lack of prominence makes finding out crucial info about their exact figures unintuitive. Again, any patterns in the data should be easily-discoverable with a minimum of user input.
Lastly, formatting the spending numbers in human-readable amounts would also help in parsing the data—e.g. printing "$589.7 billion USD" instead of "$589,720" and a table header stating the unit of measurement. I'll admit it took more time than necessary for me to figure out that the amount of spending at play here was on the order of magnitude of billions. Don't just blindly pull data from a backend—try to parse it for your reader first.
Overall, for a professional application this needs a bit of work.
Using a visualisation validation framework allows us to clarify what 'feels' wrong and easily act upon it. While some of these criteria appear subjective at first glance, breaking down a visualisation into its basic tasks allows us to judge them on their own terms, turning bad design from an entertaining spectacle to a solvable problem instead.
I hope this has been as helpful for you as it was for me! :)